Thursday, July 10, 2008

In the fast lane

So my life is stretching out before me. I am twenty years old and I am a grown-up. To a point, of course.

I mean, I still am a child in many ways. For example, my current obsession is Guitar Hero III. Oh yeah. Last night, I spent 35 minutes watching YouTube videos all about this new-fangled contraption. (SIDENOTE: is new-fangled even a word? Should know that considering my degree. Awesome.) Plus today I took the nanny children to the apartment under the guise of having fun, but really it was so I could play GHIII. I need to get a better hobby.

My days are filled with making snacks, making myself coffee, breaking up sibling spats, driving to swimming lessons, wrapping towels around cold bodies, loading the dishwasher, making sandwhiches, driving back to the pool, getting a tan, reading, reading, reading, and hanging with the boyfriend whose new nickname is EL Fuego. Which supposedly is Spanish. I really have no idea.

I like my life. Like everyone I wish it was more exciting sometimes, but what is more exciting than sprinting across sidewalks and lawns in order to catch the beginning of So You Think You Can Dance. We made it with only a minute to spare.

This is a dis-jointed post, but I kind of like that aspect. My life is dis-jointed. There is really no rhyme or reason and though I do the same thing everyday, something always changes, or makes me laugh, or causes me to think.

So here is to sunblock and summer days and good books. and cute boyfriends. and my mom.


Molly Alyssum said...

you are just the greatest.

Anonymous said...

By the way, El Fuego means "The Fire"!! Very fitting for boyfriend!!!He is soooooo hot!!!!!!!

Love mom who is not anonymous but I haven't figured out how to comment without choosing anonymous!

I suppose people will freak out when they see that I said your boyfriend was hot...but what they don't understand is tradition...your boyfriend is my boyfriend!

Anonymous said...

test test 123

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a pretty ideal Life to me, Girl, and very unlikely to produce ulcers. Enjoy these very golden days.

Tweetums said...

Here! Here! ;)

JM said...

Hey girly :) Glad to read that, although crazy, life is good :) Hope you have a great rest of the summer!
