Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Internet Issues and A Beautiful Lie

There are two Internet issues that I can think of that could appear when I am an educator. One could be simply the access to the Internet. This will depend on the socio-economic status of the area. If I stayed in the Kirkland/Seattle area, most of my students will have computers of their own, and if they don't, their family most assuredly will. But if I am in a poorer community, there is a higher possibility that some of the students do not have access to the Internet in their homes. When this occurs, I will have to make accommodations, whether that is showing the students that they can use the computer lab or a local library. The second issue is that students seem to be stuck in somewhat of an Internet search rut. In my experience, students use dictionary.com and Google frequently. These are easy and provide many examples, but there are so many other search engines and helpful sites online. It will be my job to educate my students in navigating the Internet in order for my classroom in to run in a more efficient manner.

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