Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Reflecting on the web conference

For my participation with the K-12 online conference, I watched a video presentation by Derek Wenmoth. He was located in Christchurch, New Zealand. He was part of an organization called Core Education, which helped to integrate technology into the classroom. He began his presentation by speaking about mirrors and how they serve to reflect many things, including our actions. As educators, we need to reflect on how we run our classroom and how we present information onto our students. His point of view was that technology is able to engage students at such a greater level as opposed to ordinary lecture/paperwork. He talked about teachers being excited when they are shown different technological items, such as the smartboard, wikis, etc. What I gleaned from this presentation was that as a future educator, I need to reflect on how I can present the information in the most pertinent way. Technology, because of the day and age that we live in, can serve in improving students mental cognition by an enormous amount. When I am a teacher, I need to make sure that I am constantly reflecting on my performance, especially when it comes to technology. Here is a link to my online conference.


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